Advertising Rates

For all advertising rates, please call us 07 4666 3089
Technical data -
Column width is 40.125mm with 6.5mm gutter between columns.
4 columns to a page. 18cm across full page. Page depth is 26cm
Display Advertising -
We offer display or boxed advertising in the following widths:
Normal display ads are a 2 column width (86.75mm), but we can also do single column (40.125mm), three column (133.375mm) or 4 column (180mm) widths.
Business & Traders section -
All advertising in the Businesses & Traders section is full colour and must be of the size 2 x column x 3cm or 1 column x 6cm.
13x (or more) weeks consecutively placed advertising the Business & Traders section attracts a discounted price.
Other Special rates -
Quarter page (2 column x 13cm or 4 column x 6cm)
Half Page (2 column x 27.5cm or 4 column x 13cm)
Full Page (4 column x27.5cm)
All above are available at reduced rates.
Classifieds text (mono) -
For unboxed, plain text advertising, this is charged per word. Images/logos extra.
Calendar of Events inclusion -
- Entries in the Calendar of Events column are no charge.
- Entries in the Calendar of Events consist of 2 lines only. First line is date of the event and brief description in bold type, second line is venue (if applicable) and/or start time.
We accept PDF, DOC, PNG, TIFF and JPEG file formats.
The paper is printed every Tuesday and is delivered free Wednesday & Thursday in town and
surrounding areas, with some papers going to Clifton and Warwick.
Copies of our paper are available to be downloaded free from our website each week.
All advertising copy for the paper is required by 1.00pm Monday of week of publication.
Booking deadline is 5.00pm Friday before publication week.
This week's
Allora Advertiser -
Issue #3642 - 5th May 2021.
Click the thumbnail to read online.
(Our other papers also accessible)
 More issues in the Archive section.
This week's paper
Saturday, March 15, 2025